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WIP 28mm Farmhouse :: Finished!

I finally did a big push and got my farmhouse finished!

Lessons learned; I used Nuln Oil wash for my weathering on both the interior and exterior of the farmhouse building. Black instead of brown because it fits what I've done before for my other minis. Nuln Oil apparently goes pretty quick and it is expensive. I think I will need to either go back to water + acrylic black or learn how to make my own acrylic flow solution.

The Farmhouse

I tried something new here. Take a look at the captions for more information. Basically I created several inserts within the first floor so that I could have more interior flexibility for use. I also created a false additional door which allows me to use the second floor by itself.

The Pictures

Front of the farmhouse.

Side with a false door addition. This is for later.

False door addition removed.

Back with the chimney. The paneling on the first floor was made by my daughter using coffee stirring sticks for a school-project which I co-opted when she gave the house to me. When I decided to build the top floor, I found some old balsa wood paneling which I used.

Other side. There are two functional doors and a third from the false addition.

Top of the farmhouse. The roof and the second floor are removable.

First floor. The stairs and partition walls are inserts.

Walls partition removed. 

Stairs removed. My immediate and crazy desire at this point is to purchase or print some 1:56 scale furniture. Well, at least an upright piano and maybe a stove and a stool.

Second floor. The staircase is at the back and egresses into the direction of the chimney. This floor is ideal for pulp-era wooden crates.

Second floor by itself.

Adding the false addition.

With the roof. The false addition allows me to use the second floor of the farmhouse as though it were a smaller building.

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