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How To Make Chicken Biryani at home in simple and easy steps

How To Make Chicken Biryani at Home in Simple and Easy Steps

Take chicken and clean it properly .Add turmeric powder and little salt in it. Add red chilli powder.Add coriander powder. Add curry/garam masala powder.Add 2 tsp ginger garlic paste (for 500gm chicken). Add all Biryani ingredients. Add ilachi (4). Add cinnamon (2 inch). Add clove (5). Add black pepper (5). Add Aniseed. Add mint leaves. Add coriander leaves and mix all ingredients to marinate chicken. Add 1tsp tandoori paste (Optional). Add curd to it Mix it well Keep it in fridge for 20 mins. Next step is cooking Basmati rice. Take a big bowl with water and add Cumin seeds Add aniseed.Add bay leaves Add pepper Add 2 tsp oil. Add salt .Add turmeric powder. Mix it will Boil water.  Add soaked rice (soaked for 30 mins). See how rice is dancing make sure to cook rice 60 - 70% Strain water and keep it aside. Next take another bowl, heat it and add oil/ghee. Add chopped onions. Add green chilies.  Add pinch of salt Remember!! we already added salt in chicken and rice Fry onions till golden brown Keep some fried onions aside. Now add marinated chicken Mix chicken with onions Now adjust it as a layer. Now add Biryani powder (Optional). Give it a good mix Place lid and cook it for 10 mins. Now add mint leaves and coriander leaves. Now add cooked rice as another layer spread fried onions .Add 1 tsp ghee also It gives more taste to our Biryani Close with lid and cook for 20 mins in low flame. After 20 mins, Chicken Biryani is ready Enjoy it with your family. 

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